Sunday, December 30, 2012

Shouting It From The Roof Top!


After an entire month of horrible flares, all of a sudden they stopped.  Almost overnight even.
I am feeling better than I have in 2 years!

I had a dr. appt this week and I don't go back for ....not 8 weeks.  Not 12 weeks.  But FOUR months!!  I've never gotten to go that long before.   He gave me a shot in my finger and I'm still trying to decide if it's going to help enough.  It's a little better, but not what I hoped for.  Still there's time, so we'll see.

I can snap with both hands, raise both arms over my head at the same time, and sleep in any position I want.   My left hand almost feels normal and my right one is pretty good.  I can make one tight fist and one decent fist. 

Why the good news?  What changed?  The only thing that I've added is acupuncture.  But I don't attribute it to that.  I count it all to the glory of God.  Every single joint.  Every movement.  Every good night's sleep. 

Thank You God!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

This has been a rough spell to say the least.  December has not been my favorite.
I'm not sleeping great and have been up a couple of nights heating up my rice bag for my shoulder.  LOVE rice bags!

I taught CT to work on my wrist.  Well, I taught him as far as I know how just guessing how Maggie really does it.  It worked last week and kept me out of a brace.  Getting dressed is hard.

But...and I hate this....I was hurting bad enough to take the full dose of Arava for most of this week.  We'll see how this affects my hair.  And I can't say that it has helped a ton, but then again idk how much worse it would be w/o it, right?

I'm thankful that I'm still at a point of being able to push through it.  I have good energy during the day and I'm still doing whatever I want.  For the most part, I think only the ppl I'm closest to can tell....I hope anyway!