Thursday, May 31, 2012

Time For An Update And Trying Something New

Wow!  It's been over a year since I've updated this blog.  Actually I thought I deleted it and was surprised to find it still up and running.  So here's the upate in a nutshell.... (copied from my other blog.)

~meds were affecting my liver and kidneys
~switched meds
~some things are better, some are not
~everything remains unpredictable
~more popping, more cysts
~my options are becoming more limited
~having a harder time maintaining a good attitude

I've been doing some more research and I'm trying something new.  It's a 3 day water fast followed by a 4 day rotation diet.  The premise behind it states that it takes 3 days for a food to clear your system.  Clear the foods.  Start over by introducing one at a time.  Chart the progress....blah blah blah.  

So I've been food free since 3pm yesterday.  My reading tells me to expect detox flares.  Sure enough I woke up in the middle of the night with a throbbing knee.  My experience is that knees and shoulders don't last long but are pretty intense.  This one is not so intense, but I won't be walking my neighborhood today. 
Is it a detox flare?  Or would it have happened anyway?  I don't know. 

So my plan is to lay low for a few days.  Drink gallons of water.  Pray.  And smile. 

And yes, it would've made more sense to wait until after VBS, after Texas, and after our Colorado visit.  But I figured, why wait?  By next week, I'll be eating again and maybe even feeling better. 

In the meantime I want to be sweet to family and not go off on the person standing the closest or melt into a puddle of tears.  Both of which are entirely possible. 

Will you pray for me?  And if you have any experience with rotation diets can you pass it along?

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