Saturday, June 2, 2012


I went to bed last night praying for a miracle.  That the Lord would indeed bring me out of this with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm.  As as far as food goes, that the boundary lines would fall in pleasant places.

6 am on the morning of day 3.  Every morning starts the same.  I immediately move certain joints to see how bad it's going to be today.  But today!!......I can make a fist with my left hand!  And not just any fist but a TIGHT fist with strength!  My right hand makes a closed fist, not as good b/c of the cysts, but even so the swelling is not first-thing-in-the-morning-swelling, but the much better swelling of the middle of the day.  My left wrist is a bit sore (that's been going on for about a month now) but still nothing like it usually is first thing in the morning. 

Guess who got woken up to celebrate with me?  I couldn't resist.  And if you're reading this, you're lucky I'm not calling YOU and waking you up to hear about it too!  I'm SOOO excited. 

And that's with storms thrown in the mix, ya'll. 

Here's the site I'm following where I'm getting most of my info....

Other than waking up shaky and obviously being hungry, I feel great.  I have good energy and a happy mood. 

3pm is my ending time of the 3 day fast.  I was going to carry this through to the morning but I'm waking up shaky so I'm considering eating dinner.  Chicken.  I bought the Smart Chicken instead of my usual $.88/lb chicken from Aldi. 

As I incorporate foods, one of my main objectives is also eating as clean as we can possibly afford.  And closer to the source. 

We have a farm close by that sells fresh cow and goat milk, goat cheese, butter, cream, eggs, and other stuff.  Today we are taking a tour.  Doesn't that sound like fun? 


  1. Hooray and praise the Lord! Been praying for you and this is Good news! Oh-h-h...goat's milk--the fresh is practically like medicine. Can I come along??

  2. Oh please Wendy! If you hurry you may just be here in time! (I wish it were that easy.). Thank you for your prayers and encouragement my sweet friend!

  3. Mrs. Tagg - Garners meat in van buren has good prices on grass fed beef, and they say their other beef is grass fed/grain finished, so still much healthier than usual storebought. Plus their normal beef is often cheaper than the grocery store. We're really happy with it! Just wanted to let you know. I say a prayer for you every time i have to wait till luke gets home to have a jar or bottle opened (fortunately not every day, and i just remember, Mrs. Sandy has this worse and much more often!) Hope you have more and more good days :) ~ Lana

  4. Lana,
    I forgot all about Garners. Thank you! And thank you for praying for me.
