Saturday, April 2, 2011

Ask Me What My Number Is

Go ahead. ONE AND A HALF!!

I know!! And what does a one and a half mean, you ask?

It means I can...

~Spend hours in the kitchen trying new failures experiments.

~Spend more time making something people could actually swallow.

~Spend some time outside.

~Open something that Jes couldn't. BOOYAAH!

~Walk all the way from the bedroom to the living room to get my blanket without rolling my eyes.

~Fill up the humidifier all by my onesie.

~Roll hair.

~Have full range of motion in both shoulders!


  1. Hooray!!! :) Thank you so much for the sweet birthday card, by the way. I loved it.

  2. I'm assuming that you're better! Praise the Lord! Sounds like you're on a fast-track to health. YAY!!!


  3. So glad to read this!! Continuing to pray!
