With so many little kids I've spent years sitting on the floor. I like sitting on the floor. But a couple of days ago I needed to sit on the floor and my first thought was "how?"
And then I realized that I hadn't been sitting on the floor. I've preferred chairs.
That made me mad. Mad that this has robbed me from the joy and ease of sitting on the floor with my kids. And it was so gradual that I didn't even notice.
But I did sit on the floor. And I'm going to keep purposing to sit on the floor....just b/c I can. Even if it isn't as easy right now.
There are good days and bad days and they are pretty even. I fluctuate between a 2- 4 1/2.
I can't find any pattern or commonalities.
I've been contemplating on the sovereignty of God. The fact that God is in total control, gave this to me Himself for my good and His glory. And the minute that it is no longer useful for my good and His glory, He will take it away. So even though I don't feel grateful, I'm choosing to give thanks by faith b/c trials bring us closer to God. And there is no place I'd rather be.
tonight at FBC one of the dinner ladies asked me about you. I told her that you were doing awana at another church and also that you had been diagnosed with RA and she could pray for you when you came to mind.She said that she had been healed of RA and had no lasting side effects. She said at one time she had little use of her hands, but now has no lasting effects. I told her I would share this with you. She said she would pray for your healing.