Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Pattern

This is the first pattern I've noticed...

Wednesdays and Sundays are the worst. Church days.

Interesting, no?

It's more of a set back with my hands than I've had in awhile. It was hard to turn on my lamp and that's not something I usually even think about anymore. I've noticed it's also becomming more symetrical, which is typical, but more than it used to be.

It's morning though so I know it'll get better as the day goes on.

I tried almond flour yesterday. Loved it! But is it contributing to the pain of the morning? I'm not ready to say so yet b/c those muffins were yummy, but I'll give it a few days and see.

1 comment:

  1. I'm just now catching up on blogs after our vacation, and so I'm just seeing this post...and I thought your observation about Wednesdays and Sundays was very interesting. I have noticed the very same thing with my pain/health issues over the past few years. I may be totally fine the rest of the week, but Wednesdays and Sundays are always the worst. I'm making myself a note to pray for you especially on those days!
