Thursday, March 3, 2011


I had a follow-up appt with Rheumatologist #1 this afternoon. I saw it on my calendar first thing in the morning. So I called and...

CANCELLED it! And the receptionist was like, "Would you like to reschedule?" And I'm all, "NO thanks!!"

Nope. No talking about shots. No talking meds. No X-rays. No leaving my family to wait in a waiting room, then in an office, then to come home disappointed. Nope. None of it.

And it was weird how excited I was to do that one tiny thing. But it felt so good.

The day got even better. I made some bread for my gluten eaters and when it was time to roll it out, I was able to GET MY RINGS OFF!! Just one hand. But yesterday there was no way that would've happened. They were getting tight and my knuckles were too swollen to even pry them up. And Honey had even mentioned the possibility of having to get them cut off at some point.

But no! Then later in the day I was able to get the rings off my other hand too! Oh yes.

I have more mobility in my thumb and the knuckles on the back of my hand are more pronounced. A couple of days ago they all kinda blended together, puffy and swollen. But not today!

Small victories but so significant! Praise the Lord.


  1. AMEN! I'm rejoicing with you! Such good news to start my day--praise the Lord.


  2. Wendy, I can't comment on your blogs. any ideas?

  3. That's awesome, Sandy! I really want to call you, but am always worried I'm going to catch you in the middle of school or something. Can we make a date? :)

  4. I'm so glad! hoping you have many more little steps to recovery :)

  5. I am so doing the happy dance; thanking the healer!


  6. Praise the Lord! God is soooo good!

  7. Yipeee!!! But so sad for your next post.:( glad things are looking up though and that you have an amazing family that can care for each other.
